Tint Success Traits

Here at Tint, we’ve thought a lot about the traits we see in our most successful employees and we’re documenting these so that we can use them both in our recruiting practices as well as our performance assessment processes to ensure we’re as successful as possible as a team.  

These traits are ones we’ve identified that allow individuals to thrive at Tint.  These are not “instead of” our company values, but rather these are the traits that individuals display in pursuit of upholding our company values.  Successful Tinters are:

  • Collaborative and Inclusive.
  • We are a diverse, remote-first, global team that works well together and continually finds better ways to collaborate remotely and accelerate asynchronous work.
  • We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone is encouraged to speak freely, ensuring that all opinions are not only heard, but also valued.
  • We assume good intent and we’re thoughtful in how we communicate, demonstrate candor, and share ideas or feedback.
  • Positive, Optimistic, and Curious. 
  • We don't show up with a list of problems expecting others to solve them - we bring the solutions we've explored, the questions we have, and seek feedback on new directions to explore. 
  • We don’t see roadblocks - we see opportunities we haven’t figured out how to solve yet.  
  • We embrace opportunities for learning and discovery, remaining open-minded and optimistic.
  • Proactive, Adaptable General Athletes.
  • We look around corners and we don’t wait for someone to ask us to solve a problem - we actively explore side paths, new technologies, and innovative solutions.
  • We demonstrate initiative by identifying opportunities for growth and actively pursuing solutions, even in the face of uncertainty.
  • We ask questions. A lot of questions - both so that we ourselves understand, but also to help others identify gaps in logic or possible solutions to novel problems.
  • We make the most of the resources we have which may mean learning new skills or becoming the Tint “expert” in an area where we have a knowledge gap.
  • Good Communicators.
  • We understand that because of the asynchronous way Tint gets work done, it’s vital that we’re good communicators, especially when it comes to written communication.
  • Good communication doesn't necessarily mean perfect grammar and spelling (which does become important if it’s customer-facing communication!) - it means that we’re able to concisely and accurately communicate an idea or process in a way appropriate to each stakeholder.
  • Smart Decision Makers and Risk Takers.
  • We embrace an entrepreneurial mindset characterized by creativity, innovation, and a willingness to take calculated risks (backed by data - when we have it)
  • We foster an environment that encourages experimentation, learning from failure, and continuously seeking ways to drive positive change and value creation.
  • We take calculated risks to explore new opportunities, ensuring the right stakeholders are involved and that we are prepared for potential adverse outcomes.
  • Accountable, Reliable and Focused on Results.
  • We are a fast-moving small team with big goals. We feel a sense of urgency to drive meaningful results for the business without sacrificing quality.
  • We uphold accountability by consistently delivering on commitments and proactively addressing obstacles to success.